#hEALMETOO Podcast HOME > S3 E3: Carrie Goldberg & Maisie Breit

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#HealMeToo Podcast S3 p3:

What to Do About Tech Abuse in a Virtual Age—C.A. Goldberg, PLLC & The NYC Mayor’s Office to ENDGBV


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Learn how technology is getting weaponized during the COVID-19 shutdown (and always) for people dealing with toxic relationships & intimate partner violence, as well as in the sextortion and abuse of minors and men, and most importantly, strategies that can help.

Guests Carrie Goldberg of Victims’ Rights law firm, C. A. Goldberg and #HealMeToo Podcast returning guest, Maisie Breit of the NYC Mayor’s Office to End Gender Based and Domestic Violence (ENDGBV) share a wealth of insights and resources that illuminate:

  • The uses of technology in sexual, gender-based and intimate partner harassment & abuse

  • The ubiquity of tech abuse as part of intimate partner violence

  • Navigating PTSD from past Tech Abuse in this virtual time 

  • What changing trends advocates are seeing in these times, including increases in domestic violence, targeting of minors, and sextortion of men, as well  

  • What parents and each of us can do to better protect ourselves and prevent our technology

  • Ways to safeguard your cell so it’s less of a tracking device

  • The importance of keeping a log of all tech abuse events and all evidence of stalkingHow advocates are also using virtual tech to provide support while survivors have been stuck at home.  

Tech abuse may involve:  

  • Revenge porn, blackmail & “sextortion”

  • Stalking via cell, text, social

  • Harassment in real life, facilitated by tech

  • Spyware and key-logging software

  • Online “spoofing” & impersonation

  • “Doxing” and other invasions/exploitation of private information

Tune in throughout the summer for new #HealMeToo #AtHome episodes on Apple and all the usual podcast platforms as well as our new YouTube channel as we continue Season 3: #HealMeToo At-Home—insights, art and activism to meet the needs of now.

Supportive Resource links:

NYC Mayor’s Office to ENDGBV: Access free & confidential assistance online, including Family Justice Centers in every borough: nyc.gov/nychope 

 Carrie Goldberg’s Victim’s Rights website: in-depth tech guidance, articles, and resources:

Cornell’s Clinic to End Tech Abuse: https://www.ceta.tech.cornell.edu/

Cornell’s Report on COVID-19 and Technology-Enabled Intimate Partner Violence to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women: https://82beb9a6-b7db-490a-88be-9f149bafe221.filesusr.com/ugd/c4e6d5_739b032c9b814b1997d85454b02c5057.pdf?index=true

Internet Safety Resources from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: https://www.missingkids.org/netsmartz/resources/internet-safety-month

Free legal services to survivors of intimate partner violence:

Safe Horizon: safehorizon.org

Sanctuary for Families: sanctuaryforfamilies.org

Her Justice: herjustice.org/

Legal Aid NYC: https://www.legalaidnyc.org/

The #HealMeToo Podcast is hosted and edited by Hope Singsen, the artist, creativity researcher and survivor-activist who founded the #HealMeToo Festival and Podcast in NYC in the Spring of 2019. 

Music Credits:
Lead vocal: Jovan Martinez, sampling "It's a Love Thing" by The Whispers, in a Choral Improvisation recorded live at a #HealMeToo Festival & Podcast event, led by: Katie Down, Bonita Oliver, Jessica Lurie & Vanessa Marie

Guest Bios


Carrie Goldberg is founder of Victims’ Rights law firm, C. A. Goldberg, PLLC.  The Brooklyn firm does groundbreaking work nationally fighting for targets of sexual violence online and off. Landmark cases include Herrick V Grindr which introduced the novel legal approach of applying product liability law to dangerous tech products and K.M. v City of New York which is the highest known recovery in a Title IX case in NYC.  Carrie has been central in national and local legislative reform for revenge porn, sextortion, and civil statute of limitations for sex offenses. The firm has removed hundreds of abusive social media accounts and over 30,000 naked images off the internet published without her clients’ consent, sent two dozen stalkers, abusers, and rapists to jail, and opened seven Title IX federal investigations. The firm has represented fifteen individuals sued for defamation for outing sexual predators. More recently, the firm has opened a class action practice, pursuing mass torts against tech companies for privacy violations and the dissemination of child sexual abuse imagery.  Among the firm’s better known clients are former Congresswoman Katie Hill and five Weinstein accusers, including Lucia Evans whose accusations helped launch the #MeToo movement and resulted in Weinstein’s arrest. Some of the firm’s proudest successes, though, are the ones that stay out of the headlines – recoveries for adult survivors of child sexual abuse and restraining orders for A-list celebrities against their stalkers.  Carrie’s well-known work for victims of nonconsensual porn is featured in the documentary Netizens and her work is profiled in The New Yorker, Elle, Cosmo, Wired, Glamour and more. In 2018, the firm was named the Fastest Growing Law Firm in the US by Law Firm 500. Carrie is the author of “Nobody’s Victim: Fighting Psychos, Stalkers, Pervs & Trolls” a 2019 NYT Editor’s Choice. Paramount TV is developing a fictionalized series about Carrie and the firm.  Carrie attended Vassar College and Brooklyn Law School.

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Maisie Breit is a Training and Curriculum Specialist for the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) where she develops and implements training curricula on Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, Gender-Based Violence in the LGBTQ+ community, and more. She also represents ENDGBV on a number of inter-agency collaborations focused on preventing sexual violence. Before coming to the Mayor’s Office she headed an international educational institution in Southwest Morocco, where she designed and led social-justice focused programs for university students. Maisie has an MA in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action and a BA in Women and Gender Studies and Middle Eastern Studies. She works part time as a group fitness instructor, teaching HIIT classes in a hot room.